# VirtualPortalTitle: Title of the Virtual Portal
# VirtualPortalRealm: Realm of the Virtual Portal
# VirtualPortalHost: Hostname of the Virtual Portal
# VirtualPortalContext: Context of the Virtual Portal
# VirtualPortalNlsFile: File which contains language specific information for the Virtual Portal
# VirtualPortalObjectId: ObjectId of the Virtual Portal
# The ObjectId is needed to modify, delete Virtual Portals and
# can be obtained by running task list-all-virtual-portals
# Note: Do not delete the default Virtual Portal (ObjectId ends with _0)
Para este ejemplo voy a crear un portal con el contexto "prueba1".
Una vez que hemos ingresado los datos correspondientes ejecutamos la siguiente sentencia:
./ConfigEngine.sh -DparentProperties=/ConfigEngine/config/helpers/virtual_portal.properties create-virtual-portal
++++ Actualización ++++
En algunas situaciones podría aparecerles el siguiente mensaje de error:
[wsadmin] WASX7209I: Connected to process "WebSphere_Portal" on node node01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
[wsadmin] WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[/opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine]"
[wsadmin] false
[wsadmin] VirtualPortalTitle: PortalPrueba1
[wsadmin] VirtualPortalRealm: defaultWIMFileBasedRealm
[wsadmin] VirtualPortalContext: prueba1
[wsadmin] VirtualPortalHostName:
[wsadmin] VirtualPortalNlsFile:
[wsadmin] logged in as "uid=wpsadminaux,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"
[wsadmin] [06/17/11 17:09:21.148 PET] EJPXD0001I
[wsadmin] [06/17/11 17:09:21.169 PET] EJPCA3001I: "VirtualPortalRealm in wkplc.properties with defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" already there. No action taken
[wsadmin] [06/17/11 17:09:24.581 PET] EJPXD0002E
[wsadmin] [06/17/11 17:09:24.583 PET] EJPCA3002E: ERROR: "VirtualPortal with context prueba1" already there
[wsadmin] It appears that a Virtual Portal already exist with context prueba1.
[wsadmin] java.rmi.RemoteException: com.ibm.wps.command.CreateVPFailedBecauseDuplicateKeyException: EJPEB0806E: Creating a virutal portal failed because a unique key constraint in the data backend was violated. Likely a virutal portal with the same context was deleted but still exists in the database. It is recommended to run the cleanup task for deleting resources by running the XML script Task.xml using the XML configuration interface.
Cuando suceda esto, debemos correr la siguiente sentencia desde la ruta "
./xmlaccess.sh -in ../doc/xml-samples/Task.xml -out result-Task.xml -url http://
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